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About ClimateRx

Why ClimateRx

Each of us can take steps to protect our health, every day.   

As our climate changes, protecting our health becomes even more important.


People ask, what are the impacts of climate change on health? How do we protect our health in a changing climate? What can one person do about climate change?

ClimateRx was launched to provide peer-reviewed and vetted education, training, guidance and opportunities for action to help health professionals and their patients to care for their health and our climate.  

ClimateRx is an initiative of the Climate for Health program by ecoAmerica, offered in collaboration with program partners.

What We Do

ClimateRx helps healthcare providers and health professionals to educate patients on the impacts of climate change on their health, ways to protect their health in a changing climate, and how to get more involved.  

Specifically, ClimateRx provides tools, training, peer-reviewed information, and opportunities to take action.

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ClimateRx Advisors


Stefan Wheat, MD Instructor of Emergency Medicine and Climate and Health Specialist, University of Washington

Bruce Bekkar, MD Editorial Board of the Journal of Climate Change and Health

Seema Wadhwa Executive Director of Environmental Stewardship, Kaiser Permanente

Dennis Stolle, JD, PhD Senior Director Office of Applied Psychology, American Psychological Association

Lynn Bufka, PhD, ABPP Associate Executive Director for Practice, Research, and Policy, American Psychological Association

David Dyjack, DrPH, CIH Executive Director, National Environmental Health Association

The ClimateRx campaign was developed in our partnership with the University of Colorado Climate & Health Science Policy Fellowship program, with ecoAmerica fellow and ClimateRx Advisor, Stefan Wheat, MD.

ClimateRx Partners

ClimateRx partners with national organizations to empower education and action on health in a changing climate. The following partners are participating in ClimateRx, offering the program and its resources to their employees, members and patients.

Contact Us

Email us your comments, questions, or ideas.

Ben Fulgencio-Turner

Program Lead

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