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Climate Solutions at Home

Climate change is already impacting the health of people across the nation. You can take action to protect your family's health today.

Be Prepared

1. Learn about your local climate risks.


2. Create an emergency plan.

  • The Red Cross offers templates for family emergency plans and emergency kits as well as disaster-specific guidance.

  • Make sure to include a flashlight, food, water, and first aid supplies.

  • This isn't just for severe weather, your plan will also help you be prepared for extreme heat or cold that might cause power to go out, or for wildfire smoke in your area. 


3. Coordinate with your family and neighbors.

  • Start by learning about the emergency plan of your work, school, house of worship, or your child's school. 

  • Offer to learn from and support your family, neighbors, and community. Your child or spouse might think of something you didn't. Your neighbor might be able to help with some of the work that was too hard to do by yourself.

  • Look for ways to help: sharing information that you've learned, coordinating resources within your community, and/or donating to mutual aid funds.

Improve your Resilience

1. Improve your personal and family health. 

  • Physical activity and a healthy diet can improve your health and reduce many of the risks of climate change.

  • If you have an existing health condition or a disability, talk to your health care provider about how to best manage your condition and reduce future risks. 

  • Care for your mental health; if you are feeling anxious about the effects of climate change, look for ways to start taking action.

  • As you stay active, encourage your friends, family and neighbors to join you.


2. Improve the resiliency of your home.

  • Ensure that your home is well-insulated, that the roof is in good condition, and that has the drainage works properly.

  • There are programs to offer financial support for home weatherization.

  • This will help your home stay more comfortable and safe and will also save money in electricity and repairs.

  • Reduce your exposure to indoor pollution by replacing gas-burning appliances like stoves, water-heaters, or furnaces with cleaner more efficient ones.​

  • Access federal subsidies and tax credits to help cover these costs.


3. Extend your circle of resilience.

  • Your office, your place of worship, your community center, and/or your child's school all likely have similar opportunities to improve resilience. Talk within your community to find ways to make shared spaces safer and healthier.

  • Seventy-five percent of Americans are concerned about climate change, including 45% who are very concerned, however only 14% of us think others around us are concerned.

  • Sharing climate concern alleviates anxiety, gives permission to others to recognize their own concerns, and builds belonging.

  • Seeking support from a mental health professional can further build resilience.

Mind your Climate Impact

1. Start with win-win solutions.

  • Many of the suggestions above not only improve your health, they also reduce your long-term climate impact and many will save you money.

  • Improving your insulation, reducing waste, eating a more plant-based diet, and making exercise part of your daily commute all have multiple benefits outside of climate.

  • Pick a climate solution that motivates you and that has immediate benefits to you and your family's life. Start with that


2. Look for more ambitious actions.

  • As you build momentum, seek ways that you can take greater action to reduce your climate impact.

  • Or after you improve your own home's insulation, work with your employer to ensure your office is powered by renewables and meets efficiency standards.

  • Build on your progress in a way that works for you and your family.


3. Engage in policy and systemic action.

  • Look for existing climate action groups that are working on the issues you care about.

  • Start local: there are often ways to make an immediate difference. Maybe you can help your school district switch to clean electric school buses. Or plant trees in urban heat islands to control the high temperatures. Your action can make a difference right away.

  • Educate your elected officials on how climate change affects health and why it matters to you. This sheet gives best practices for how to talk to policy-makers. Remember, their job is to listen to you!


Climate Solutions You Can Act On Today

We can all be part of the solution to climate change, every day – no matter our abilities, resources or location. Learn some of the many ways you can act on climate with these quick-start guides from Climate for Health. Hint: you can also SHARE these as hand outs with friends, family, neighbors and colleagues.

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